Silent/Unattended Uninstall the Novell Client for Windows

INSTALL acu.exe /u:c:\path2unatt_file\filename.txt Example of an unattended INSTALL file: [Novell_Client_Install_Manager] Novell_Client=2000/XP Version=4.91.4 [SetupNWInstallOptions] !Reboot_Or_Ask=Neither !DisplayInitialScreen=NO [NovellNetWareClientParameters] !Protocol=IPIPX !RemoveIPXIfPresent=NO !DoInstall=YES !AcceptLicenseAgreement=YES [NDPSParameters] !DoInstall=NO !IsOptional=NO [Network_2000] Install2000Services=Services2000List [Services2000List] NW_NWFS=NovellNetwareClientParameters, \$OEM$\NET\NTCLIENT\I386 NW_NDPS=NDPSParameters, \$OEM$\NET\NTCLIENT\I386 …

Control Panel .cpl’s

Control Panel Applet Filename Accessibility access.cpl Add New Hardware hdwwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs appwiz.cpl Date/Time Properties timedate.cpl Display Properties desk.cpl FindFast findfast.cpl Internet Properties inetcpl.cpl Joystick Properties joy.cpl Keyboard Properties main.cpl …

VMWare Workstation 6: Expand virtual disk

Running out of diskspace? Use vmware-vdiskmanager.exe to expand your virtual disk at the command prompt: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 10Gb myDisk.vmdk More info: The second step you have to take is …

SoftGrid scripting: hiding the DOS box

1. Create HideDos.vbs: CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run WScript.Arguments(0), 0, False WScript.Sleep 242 ‘wait for files to copy 2. Add code to your .OSD file (in the DEPENDENCY tag) <SCRIPT EVENT="LAUNCH" TIMING="PRE" PROTECT="FALSE" WAIT="TRUE" …

Softgrid Scripting – CMD/DOS Box & XCopy

Copy file + Start DOS Box within the bubble Edit your .OSD file, with these lines of code: <DEPENDENCY> <SCRIPT EVENT=”LAUNCH” TIMING=”PRE” PROTECT=”FALSE” WAIT=”TRUE” TIMEOUT=””> <HREF>xcopy “\\dfspath.local\directory\filename.ext” “%TEMP%” /R /Y</HREF> …