We needed to have Access 2010 delivered through App-V on the same computers where Office 2010 Standard was published to. Office 2010 needs the Office 2010 Deployment Kit for App-V to activate, this was already up and running on our client computers.
If we streamed Access 2010 next to Office 2010 Standard, Access launched and asks for a Product Key:
I thought the Office Software Protection Platform must take action here, and contact our KMS Server to obtain a license, but it behaved not like that. The service Office Software Protection Platform (osppsvc) is responsible for the activation. This service is installed by the Office 2010 Deployment Kit for App-V.
After going through Technet and some forums, I finally got it all together and found the solution:
The KMS activation is done when installing the Deployment kit for App-V. To use Access 2010 and Office 2010 Standard together, the Deployment Kit for App-V needs to be installed with the STANDARD and ACCESS parameters combined. These Licensing Flags can be used on the command line separated by a space:
To verify which actions the OffVirt.msi installer exactly did, use the logfile parameter and check the logs:
OffVirt.msi ACCESS=1 STANDARD=1 /qb REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /l*v c:\temp\OffVirt.log
If the ACCESS=1 parameter wasn’t set, you’ll get this in the logfile;
MSI (s) (E0:E0) [17:11:35:989]: Skipping action: Access_KMS_Client (condition is false)
When you did set the ACCESS=1 licensing flag;
MSI (s) (40:58) [17:29:32:699]: Doing action: Access_KMS_Client
Going through the logs makes everything clear. Combining the OffVirt.msi parameters makes sense!