The virtual machine sharing service is not available in VMWare Workstation 8

I wanted to share a VM, but this error message appeared when doing so:

vmware workstation 8 - the virtual machine sharing service is not available

The virtual machine sharing service is not available.


Changing the TCP Port that VMWare Workstation uses for the Shared VMs feature did the trick!

First startup VMWare Workstartion as an admin, otherwise you don’t have sufficient permissions;

VMWare Workstation 8 - shared VMs

Started as administrator:

VMWare Workstation 8 shared VMs - runas admin

Stop the service first, by hitting the “Disable Sharing” button. Then change the port number, and start the the sharing service again. I changed it to 242;

VMware Workstation 8 shared VMs - port changed

Before sharing a VM, I changed the location where all shared VMs are located. Because I wanted VMs on a second SSD.

change sharedVMs location

Share a VM by moving  a machine into the Shared VMs container in the Library;

share a VM

The Share VM Wizard starts. Transfer the VM to the “Shared Virtual Machines” directory (the one I changed a minute ago);

Transfer VM to the share location


Now connect to the machine where the VM is stored using VMware Workstation 8 on another machine. But specify the port name we just changed!

connect to a remote serverspecify port number

Maybe you have to add permissions on the remote VM server, but the above should solve the “The virtual machine sharing service is not available” issue.

3 thoughts on “The virtual machine sharing service is not available in VMWare Workstation 8

  1. Pingback: The virtual machine sharing in VMWare Workstation 8 « LouisinLondon : London , IT and New Media Blog


    These example does not work staring from the first diagram. “The VM workstation server is not available”

  3. Muhmmad Adeel

    I dont have remote server please tell me to to public my vm ???

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