I used this workaround before to sync My Documents folder with Dropbox. But apparently SkyDrive didn’t synced the symbolic link.
Mklink with the /j parameter works with local paths and drives, but I’m using redirected folders for “My Documents” (UNC path). So I needed to use mklink with the /d option. Creating the symbilic link wasn’t a problem, but SkyDrive wouldn’t sync it.
- Close the SkyDrive application
- Create a symbolic link with mklink:
Syntax: mklink /d “%userprofile%\SkyDrive\folderYouJustCreated” \\server\share$\profileName\documentsFolder
for example: mklink /d “%userprofile%\SkyDrive\Documents” “\\anatool\home$\devribe\My Documents”
- Launch the SkyDrive application again, syncing will begin.