To deploy nVidia drivers (and software that comes with it) follow these easy steps.
Download the drivers from a trusted source (, and extract the archive. Strip the extracted sources by removing folders that you don’t need. In my case I removed the folders “PPC”, “NvCamera”, “Display.NView” and “NGXCore”. If you want all features installed, leave all folders untouched.
Use these parameters for a silent install: -noreboot -noeula -passive -clean -nofinish
For example:
(“path-to-sources\Setup.exe”) -noreboot -noeula -passive -clean -nofinish
Btw the silent install switches can change over time when new drivers are released, therefor have a look in de setup.cfg-file in the Options section.
As a ConfigMgr (SCCM) Detection Method you can use the file nvdisps.dll in %ProgramFiles%\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.