Drupal Installation:Internal Server Error

After downloading Drupal 6.22, extracting and uploading via FTP I ran install.php. But that didn’t turned out as expected:   Solved by deleting the .htaccess file, or better comment following lines in …

Removing background image from CKEditor in Drupal

When you’re using a background image in a drupal based website, CKEditor will use the same background image: To override this default setting go to admin/settings/ckeditor/edit/Advanced, and choose ‘CKEditor Default’. …

Drupal: Clean URLs

You want to enable Clean URLs in Drupal 6, but the Enable bullet is grayed-out? Just enable Apache rewrite module, and you can enable this feature. Windows hosting (WampServer) I’m …

Import large SQL file using WAMP’s Apache

Change post_max_size and upload_max_filesize in php.ini to a higher value: post_max_size = 75M upload_max_filesize = 75M WAMP trayicon -> Restart All Services. Needed for Drupal autopath: Enable Apache rewrite_module (R …

Login to Drupal: Access Denied

After migrating to another host, you get “access denied” at logon to Drupal. Solution: Change the $cookie_domain variable in file \sites\default\settings.php from your old to your new domain. $cookie_domain = …