Softgrid: Clear the AppV cache

Many AppV client issue’s are solved by clearing the virtual application cache.  Also while troubleshooting sequenced applications whipping the cache is a common task.  Here are several possibilities to clear the Softgrid cache.

First, get a list of all AppV applications:

sftmime query obj:app /short

Remove all applications from the cache:

sftmime.exe remove obj:app /global /complete

Remove a specific application from the cache:

sftmime.exe remove app:”applicationName” /complete


Or if you need to wipe the complete cache, set the Registry State key to zero:

Changing the State key to zero, and reboot the machine. This will completely clear the file system cache.


Clear the Softgrid AppV cache via the State registry key

Update: I had to clear the User Cache for a specific application only, let’s call it “MyApp v1.0”. Using some batch- and OSD-scripting I was getting there.

Batch-script (Softgrid_clear_userCache_myApp.cmd);

SET _Path=C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\SoftGrid Client\%appDir%

SET _logfile=%systemroot%\_SOMEFOLDER_\MyAPP_cleanup.log

:: ### CHECK ###

If exist “%_logfile%” goto SKIP

:: ### REMOVE MyApp USER CACHE ###

If exist “%_Path%” rd “%_Path%” /S /Q

echo MyApp v1.0 AppV user cache cleared >> “%_logfile%”

goto END


echo Script already did his job before, quitting ..

goto END


echo End script

OSD-script (to launch the batch script);




@CALL \\\\server\\contentShare\MyApp1.0\\Softgrid_clear_userCache_myApp.cmd \n













6 thoughts on “Softgrid: Clear the AppV cache

  1. David Floyd

    I have seen this method to delete the Softgrid cache ALL OVER THE PLACE. No matter how many times I do this, that damn 989 MB file (sftfs.fsd) still gets created at boot time. Now, I really don’t care, 989 MB can get lost on my hard drive, it’s just the the idea that BG and Co can just paste almost a BILLION bytes on MY hard drive and get away with it. SO, WTF!!!!. Why can’t I just get rid of this file?

  2. Pingback: Limpar cache APP-V « Fábio Amaral

  3. bennebiest Post author

    It’s the Softgrid File System aka the appliation cache, all your cached applications are in this file. You better leave the file in place 🙂

  4. Mostafa Sobhy

    i bumped into an issue during this procedure i was gonna leave comment but i notice thread was on 2010 1st comment on 2011 2nd reply in 2012

  5. Pingback: Clear the App-V 5.0 cache | 33KB available high memory

  6. Pingback: Clear the App-V 5.0 cache | 33KB available high memory

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