AppV Managemt Server – Error You do not have access to this information. Please check your credentials

After migrating to a new App-V Management Server our AppV Admins lost their permissions to the Management Server.

AppV Management Server Error You do not have access to this information
Error – You do not have access to this information. Please check your credentials

Strange, because during installation the correct security group was provided.

AppV Management Server security group

First place to look is the AppV database.

The table “RoleAssignments” must contain the SID(s) of the AppV Admins security group(s).

This was the case, the SID of this security group was the one used during the Management Server installation, nothing wrong here.

appv database RoleAssignments

A security group SID can be obtained with Powershell:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADGroup -Identity SP_APPV_Administrators_U | select SID

powershell get security group SID

These SID’s match.


We moved our AppV DB from a local SQL instance to a remote instance. Previously the NetworkService was used. But the NetworkService don’t have the same permisions on a remote SQL instance. Providing a service account, that of course has permissions to the AppV Mgmt DB (and eventually the Reporting database), was the solution.

appv db identity

appv db identity service account